Clothing & Accessories
Not all clothing is created equal. GIS|PROTM was created out of a lack of high quality clothing and accessories for Geospatial Professionals. Sure there are many "T-Shirt" companies out there that just slap some cheap graphic onto a shirt and market it to the the masses. At GIS|PROTM we aim for a different target. We want to provide a brand that helps you explain to the world just who we are as Geospatial Professionals. High Quality clothing and accessories made by Geospatial Professionals for Geospatial Professionals...
New Designs added Weekly
Express Yourself
Use your shirt to tell the world what you do. It's easier than trying to explain it to them. It will still be difficult but maybe these shirts can help...
Built by us for us
Do you have an idea for a shirt or something you have been looking to buy to express your geospatial side? Submit your idea and let us see if we can make your vision come true...